Kids for Courage | Blanca’s House
Kids for Courage is a youth organization dedicated to helping the needy.
Our mission is to empower our youth to be kind, honest, and compassionate.
We hope to teach children to face adversity and lead with love.
The first school supply drop was both heartbreaking and heartwarming. It is clear that the need is great, but it is remarkable to see what we can do together as a community to help the ones in need. The supplies will be distributed to 1,500 families in the Suffolk County area. Notes from the KIDs OF COURAGE kids are placed in every single backpack distributed.WINTER WARRIORS
One person at a time, one day at a time, and one project at a time, we can make a difference that will leave a lasting impact on the world.What happens when a group of elementary students and their parents from Long Island want to share Blanca’s House mission of making a difference in the lives of people in their community and in Latin America???? They organize an evening of giving back. Packing 500 bags with more than hats, gloves, socks, toothbrushes, shampoo, hygiene products, and love, 250 bags will be distributed to homeless shelters on Long Island and the other 250 will travel with Blanca’s House on upcoming missions.