Giving Tuesday Image

Children are our future….no matter where they live.

Fundraising goal: $50,000.00

At Blanca’s House we realize health takes many forms and has a variety of components. Not only do we provide direct care through surgeries, consultations, well-checks, medication, etc., we understand the importance of creating healthy, safe and appropriate learning environments for children in the communities we serve. On our recent mission in October 2022, we visited a school in the poor rural town of Pedro Carbo and provided backpacks with much-needed school supplies for over 100 students.

Our commitment to the children of Pedro Carbo continues…

The current conditions of the outdoor area are in need of repair and not conducive to quality outdoor teacher-directed and team activities. Therefore, we are raising funds to create a safe and healthy outdoor environment at Unidad Educativa Crespin Cerezo. While we were there meeting with the principal, the following are the school’s priorities:

Shade structure:  There is no shade in the outdoor areas, no space for parent meetings, outdoor classroom activities, nor team activities

Existing outdoor space
Proposed shade structure

Plastic chairs and tables for school parent meetings and student outdoor activities under the shade structure

Folding tables

Metal basketball net and backboard to attach to existing concrete poles on playground

Existing…no backboard

Repair/replace the concrete that is currently the outdoor play area for safety

There are many benefits to children playing outside. Right now, outdoor activity is very limited because of the daily heat, lack of shade, and places for structured activities.  They can release energy, use loud voices, play vigorously, outdoors, and explore. 


  • Better physical health
  • Numerous opportunities to strengthen motor skills
  • Engage in messy projects
  • Greater visual-motor integration (or the ability to control hand or body movement guided by vision)
  • Greater creativity
  • Stronger verbal and social skills
  • Increased attention and cognitive abilities
  • Increase teamwork

The purpose of an outdoor environment is to encourage children to be active, to give them a break from being indoors, and to support learning in a variety of environments. Like an indoor learning environment, the outdoor space should be safe and organized and include planned activities as well as free time.