
Summing is all up…

Let’s have a recap of the mission… Eighty-three lives have been changed thanks to Blanca’s House…some no longer in pain from their gall bladder or hernia, some can use a finger again after a contracture is released, babies and toddlers can now eat, talk and suck for the first time. The clinic was bustling every […]

Blanca’s House is you!

Amazing day of golf! Thanks to our participants, supporters, and volunteers you raised $3,000.00 to benefit Blanca’s House.  We couldn’t do it without you! A special shout out to Mikey Ruggieiro, our planner, our emcee, our golfer and all-around amazing guy! Win BIG and Support Blanca’s House All Summer Long We had a $1,000.00 Pick […]

A Smile for Ecuador…You can support our dental mission…

Our dental mission is being launched August 4-9, 2015 in response to the lack of access to care and the resulting poor oral health of thousands of Ecuadorians. Free dental care will be provided to indigent children and their families in Guayaquil, Ecuador. In addition to free treatment we will educate Ecuadorians about proper dental care […]